Play Dough Fraction Project

One of my favorite things to do in the classroom is to actually make things with my students. I absolutely love throwing on my apron and getting my hands and the rest of the classroom dirty! Creating with kids makes for the best memories! It may take a little extra planning, organizing, and cleaning, but I have never regretted giving my students these types of experiences!

With all that being said, after doing this with my own kiddos, I just had to share this freebie with y'all! You absolutely don't have to actually make play dough in the classroom to put this project to good use, but if you want to give your students an experience in the classroom that will have them talking for days (or weeks or months...) then get your mixing bowls ready!

Want to try this project with your students?

I made a 4th grade and 5th grade version of this project so all my upper elementary math teacher friends could enjoy it! Grab a copy of it for free!

    We have such a great opportunity as teachers to make moments for and with our students that they will never forget! I hope your students love this as much as mine did! This project really will make math both meaningful and memorable for your students!

    If you do this project with your students, I'd love to hear how it goes! Tag me on Instagram at @mixandmath! Nothing makes my teacher heart happier than seeing students love the math experiences you create for them!


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